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Meet the maker!
HallowHello! Our Mascot’s name is Hallow!
I’m 27 years old, charismatic, easy to work with, and here to spread some good vibes! The furry fandom has been such an inspiring creative outlet! My workshop is currently based in Colorado. I’m always looking for a challenge, and I am striving to come up with new, awesome ideas! I created HallowMoon in 2019 with the desire to be inspired and share the love. |
The Dealers Den
As of Oct 2024, I have worked at 6 conventions; Denfur 2022, Las Vegas Fur Con, 2022, Anthro Weekend Utah 2023, Anthro Northwest 2024, Anthro Weekend Utah 2024, and Midwest Furfest 2024. I have sold out of all my suits at each convention! I have a ton of fun working cons, meeting people, and experiencing the kind comradery between artists at the Dealers Den! I hope to continue to sell at conventions for years to come.
I will be taking a small break from working conventions until after June 2025.
I will be taking a small break from working conventions until after June 2025.
The making process
Here’s a little peek into how I make each suit!
Here’s a WIP! As someone who has worked heavily in customer service, I make sure to send lots of WIPs and updates to make sure that you, the commissioner, is happy and informed! If you ever have any questions or want to see some extra WIPS please, feel free to ask! Each head is completely made out of custom carved foam, using both 1” and 1/2” until it becomes the super smooth rad shape you see now!
I believe that each project is like a collaboration between myself and the owner. I want to work with you to bring your imagination to life; I wait until I get confirmation before moving forward with each step. |
Fur and other materials used
My furs are bought online and I 100% ensure it’s a great level of Quality! If there’s a specific color or type of fur you’re looking for, I use many different websites to try and find the closest match.
Credits, Thank You!
@ SlumberYote for designing H a l l o w the HallowMoon Mascot.
My 3D print designer, Rude Bird Studios! rudebirdstudios.tumblr.com/
My Dealers Den assistant, Beagle.in.red!
My commissioners, the HallowMoon family, for making it possible to do what I love.
My 3D print designer, Rude Bird Studios! rudebirdstudios.tumblr.com/
My Dealers Den assistant, Beagle.in.red!
My commissioners, the HallowMoon family, for making it possible to do what I love.